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#NABJ24 Career Fair
Hilton Chicago
720 S Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60605
Salons C&D 
July 31 - August 2, 2024
Click HERE to Purchase a #NABJ24 Career Fair Booth Today!

Map Key: Blue (Available), Yellow (Reserved), Red (Sold)
East-Salon C and West-Salon D


Dear Exhibitors:

Thank you for your participation in #NABJ24!

Due to the design of this year's NABJ Convention site, there are some unique placement considerations in the NABJ Exhibit Hall Career Fair, which is located in the Salons C&D at the Hilton Chicago hotel. 

This year's layout will be impacted by ceiling height and the presence of columns. The good news is that all exhibitors will have the full 10' x 10' spaces purchased, whereas the columns will NOT reduce your 10' x 10' footprint. However, you may need to reconfigure your booth design based on the locations of those foundational hotel columns.

Please note:

  • In this year's NABJ Career Fair, the ceiling height varies in the Salon C (11' 4") and Salon D (9' 1"), and there are several lower ceiling areas that will be indicated on the floor plan.
  • Exhibit hall columns will also be indicated on the floor plan.

We strongly suggest that you consult with Veronique Dodson, NABJ Director of Membership at about your booth layouts by pre-registration deadline so that you will have a full understanding of any placement limitations and to avoid any unforeseen issues when you arrive on site.

See you soon!!!

Drew Berry, Executive Director


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